Peer reviewing and atavisms

Summary: let's make manuscripts for review reviewer-friendly instead of atavist-editor-friendly. There are many things we carry on because of ... let us call it "tradition" to avoid calling it by its proper name: "atavism." Today I am finishing reviewing a manuscript, and I feel irritated again that the article has the figures last, by themselves, … Continue reading Peer reviewing and atavisms

Changing teaching ways

You gotta change your evil ways, baby, before I stop loving you! --Santana I have been pondering lately about education. Reason being that I have been asked to teach a second year course in the undergrad biology program (genetics). This means teaching a large group of students. Now, I am not afraid at all of … Continue reading Changing teaching ways

The Dog Pause

I have presumed often that a great advantage of working with computers is that you can do your work from anywhere. As a computational biologist, this has given me the opportunity for working from home and still be programming the solution to one or another problem. Downloading databases, and such, while, for instance, putting my … Continue reading The Dog Pause